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men_s_basketball:bill_downey [2006/11/13 04:45] created
men_s_basketball:bill_downey [2020/12/07 16:49] (current)
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 +====== Bill Downey ======
 Downey appeared in 3 games for the defunct Providence Steamrollers of the Basketball Association of America in 1947.  The BAA was one of two leagues (along with the National Basketball League) that merged in 1949 to create what is now the NBA.  Officially his statistics are considered NBA statistics, so we'll count him here. Downey appeared in 3 games for the defunct Providence Steamrollers of the Basketball Association of America in 1947.  The BAA was one of two leagues (along with the National Basketball League) that merged in 1949 to create what is now the NBA.  Officially his statistics are considered NBA statistics, so we'll count him here.
men_s_basketball/bill_downey.1163393122.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/12/07 16:39 (external edit)