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men_s_basketball:john_mckenna [2009/01/21 23:12]
men_s_basketball:john_mckenna [2020/12/07 16:49] (current)
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 ===== Marquette Career ===== ===== Marquette Career =====
 +McKenna is an all-around, heady player, a good floor worker, a close guard and a good shot at the basket.  Of a very slight build, he would show above the ordinary on a lighter team.  He is quick to perceive the opponents' mode of attack and one of the first to break it up and turn it to his own advantage.
 +{{  men_s_basketball:mckenna1.jpg|}}
men_s_basketball/john_mckenna.1232579556.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/12/07 16:39 (external edit)