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nickname:golden_eagles [2007/02/10 00:59]
nickname:golden_eagles [2020/12/07 16:49] (current)
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 +====== Golden Eagles ======
 +See Also [[Golden Eagle]]
 The nickname currently assigned to the Marquette athletic teams was forced down the throats of outraged students and alums in 1994. The issue still rankles anybody with any sense of Marquette's glorious athletic history. So outrageous was the decree from the university's president that, 2007, wearing an item of clothing with an image of the current mascot is considered at best, worse, blasphemous. Many current students, who were barely out of diapers when the decision was handed down, can still be seen proudly wearing Warriors shirts. The nickname currently assigned to the Marquette athletic teams was forced down the throats of outraged students and alums in 1994. The issue still rankles anybody with any sense of Marquette's glorious athletic history. So outrageous was the decree from the university's president that, 2007, wearing an item of clothing with an image of the current mascot is considered at best, worse, blasphemous. Many current students, who were barely out of diapers when the decision was handed down, can still be seen proudly wearing Warriors shirts.
nickname/golden_eagles.1171069142.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/12/07 16:40 (external edit)