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bars:turners [2009/11/02 22:19]
bars:turners [2020/12/07 16:49] (current)
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 ====== Historic Turners ====== ====== Historic Turners ======
-{{  }}Historic Turner Restaurant \\+{{  }}**Historic Turner Restaurant \\
 1034 North 4th Street\\ 1034 North 4th Street\\
 Milwaukee, WI 53203\\ Milwaukee, WI 53203\\
 \\ \\
 This Historic 1883 Landmark serves a variety of Classic American and German specialties. The menu offers a wide selection including appetizers, lunch, and nightly specials.  Perfect for before or after events at the Bradley Center & Milwaukee Theater for fast service, excellent food at reasonable prices.  This Historic 1883 Landmark serves a variety of Classic American and German specialties. The menu offers a wide selection including appetizers, lunch, and nightly specials.  Perfect for before or after events at the Bradley Center & Milwaukee Theater for fast service, excellent food at reasonable prices. 
bars/turners.1257200392.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2020/12/07 16:40 (external edit)