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lakefront [2009/10/09 18:41]
lakefront [2020/12/07 16:49] (current)
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-{{  lakefront.jpg250}}+{{lakefront.jpg?250  }}
 Lakefront Brewery is a locally-owned microbrewery specializing in handmade beers in the tradition of early Milwaukee brewers. Located along the Milwaukee river near downtown Milwaukee, Lakefront Brewery began in 1987 with only sixty barrels of production sold exclusively to taverns within rolling distance of the brewery. Lakefront Brewery is a locally-owned microbrewery specializing in handmade beers in the tradition of early Milwaukee brewers. Located along the Milwaukee river near downtown Milwaukee, Lakefront Brewery began in 1987 with only sixty barrels of production sold exclusively to taverns within rolling distance of the brewery.
lakefront.1255113713.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2020/12/07 16:40 (external edit)