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men_s_basketball:uw_12_6_11 [2011/12/07 15:29]
men_s_basketball:uw_12_6_11 [2020/12/07 16:49] (current)
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 {{men_s_basketball:teams_wash.gif|}} ** Washington 77 {{men_s_basketball:teams_marquette.gif|}} (11) Marquette 79** {{men_s_basketball:teams_wash.gif|}} ** Washington 77 {{men_s_basketball:teams_marquette.gif|}} (11) Marquette 79**
 +{{  :men_s_basketball:12_6_11_team.jpg?250}}
 ===== Crowder's Clutch Three Keeps Marquette Unbeaten  ===== ===== Crowder's Clutch Three Keeps Marquette Unbeaten  =====
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 Williams added, though, that there was another element to the game that was just as important as pace. Williams added, though, that there was another element to the game that was just as important as pace.
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 "So much is talked about pace and I think that's important, but maybe what should be talked about just as much is the discipline required to be successful at executing regardless of the pace involved," said Williams. "So much is talked about pace and I think that's important, but maybe what should be talked about just as much is the discipline required to be successful at executing regardless of the pace involved," said Williams.
-===== 9 ===== 
 "Wisconsin was averaging 56 possessions a game going into (last Saturday's) game and they played a 72-possession game against us, by far the fastest they had ever played this year. So pace is definitely a factor, but I think it's the discipline involved to execute regardless of pace (that's also important). That's what you have to have to be a really good team." "Wisconsin was averaging 56 possessions a game going into (last Saturday's) game and they played a 72-possession game against us, by far the fastest they had ever played this year. So pace is definitely a factor, but I think it's the discipline involved to execute regardless of pace (that's also important). That's what you have to have to be a really good team."
men_s_basketball/uw_12_6_11.1323271759.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/12/07 16:39 (external edit)