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Marquette M Club

The Marquette M Club is an organization consisting of Marquette letter winners.

About the M Club

Content From: Welcome to the Marquette University M Club webpage. This page is to keep you informed of all M Club activities, and open the lines of communication between our members.

If you have earned a varsity letter while competing for Marquette, you are automatically a member of the M Club. There are no dues accessed to continue as a member.

The primary mission of the M Club is to encourage camaraderie among alumni letter winners, and to provide support for all Marquette athletic teams and all of our student athletes. To accomplish this, we host several social events throughout each year.

Our main fundraising event is the M Club Golf Outing, which is the oldest golf outing at Marquette. This year we will celebrate our 25th anniversary at Tripoli Country Club on Monday, August 14, 2006. To date, this event has generated over $550,000 for Marquette Athletics.

We also oversee the Marquette University Athletic Hall of Fame Dinner and Induction Ceremony. The next ceremony will take place on September 9, 2006 at the Marquette University Alumni Memorial Union Ballroom, where seven individuals and one team will be inducted into the Marquette M Club Hall of Fame.

In addition, we have several other events for all our members. Each year we honor an individual with the Hy Popuch Award for dedicated service to the M Club and Marquette Athletics. Other opportunities for our members to get together are at our annual summer picnic, women's basketball social, soccer tailgate party, and a new event being planned, a women's volleyball social.

Historical DVDs

The M Club has funded a project lead by the Marquette Library to make historical Basketball and Football games available on DVD. Copies can be obtained through Marquette University Archives for personal use at a cost of $10 each (plus shipping). Full details here

admin/the_m_club.txt · Last modified: 2020/12/07 16:49 (external edit)