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Created after the closure of O'Danny's and the connecting Oak Barrel, Brother's is a Water Street establishment popular with Milwaukee's undergraduate community. From advertisements in the Marquette Tribune to its Jack and Coke specials, there is no doubt that Brother's yearns for a younger crowd.

The success of the tavern's marketing can best be seen on Friday and Saturday nights, when the 95% collegiate entry line often stretches 20 or 30 deep. Students under 21 are best advised to have an excellent ID prior to entry, as the bouncers are infamous for rejecting teenage drinkers and confiscating the drivers licenses of their older siblings.

Once inside, patrons can choose from several possible locations to partake in drunken revelry, as the watering hole features three separate bars. The loft on the Oak Barrel (south) side of the building offers a chance for large groups of belligerent students to enjoy the company of around 20 of their friends. The main level of the south side, the location of the secondary bar, is often less crowded than the flagship main bar. Pool tables and bathrooms can be found in the lower level of the southern spot.

On the O'Danny's (north) side sits the main bar, surrounded by several tables and a kitchen. Less enterprising customers often choose to fight their way through this maelstrom for a drink, finding themselves waiting for far longer than they would at the other two bars.

Finally, a walk up the steep staircase posted at the entryway leads lushes to the second floor, the location of yet another bar and yet more bathrooms. Several tables are posted at the top of the stairs, perhaps the most desired seating location in the club. If you don't know anyone up here, you don't know anyone.

Overall, Brother's is a decent spot to tip a few back and possibly hook onto a sophomore girl with a serviceable ID. Although it is now most definitely part of a chain, lacking the originality of O'Danny's and the Oak Barrel, this particular place does indeed have something for everyone.

bars/brothers.1177633995.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/12/07 16:40 (external edit)