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Those Who Love the Game (1995)

Book Description
With the help of a cerebral and enthusiastic co-author, the New York Knicks' veteran guard reflects on life and basketball. Doc Rivers has plenty to say, about lessons learned growing up in Chicago and the importance of family and teamwork; about the dangers of easing talented young players through school; about setting high goals, working mercilessly to achieve them, and being honest with oneself. Though he tends to use superlatives (``Nobody was better at anticipating passes than Gus [Williams]'') and the kind of generalities many athletes offer the press, perceptive readers will sense a searching intelligence underlying them. There are relatively few anecdotes here; instead, brief, loosely linked chapters (similar to Brooks's Boys Will Be, 1993) capture some of the excitement of playing – and, even more vividly, of thinking – about the game. In a foreword, Brooks mentions some favorite autobiographies of other athletes; at the end, he listens in on Rivers teaching a summer camp group the real fundamentals of basketball. Young athletes in any sport will profit from this thoughtful dialogue. (Kirkus Review)

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men_s_basketball/those_who_love_the_game.1315882076.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/12/07 16:39 (external edit)