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Vengeful Band of Warriors Gets Their Revenge

December 20, 1961- A vengeful band of Warriors, recovering from their double humiliation in Kansas, blasted UW-Madison out of the Arena before the largest crowd ever to see a basketball game in Milwaukee, 11,138. Led by hot-shooting Dave Erickson, Marquette built up leads as high as 28 points before Coach Eddie Hickey began clearing his bench.

The up-state Badgers brought a 4-1 record into the game and were given a good chance of winning. They fought on even terms with Marquette for the first ten minutes, then the Warriors exploded for 17 points to UW-Madison's three in the next five minutes. Marquette led at halftime 51-36, having shot a tremendous 60.6 per cent from the field. The Badgers stayed close by shooting a torrid 48.4 per cent themselves. The second half was purely anticlimatic, with even Marquette's third stringers seeing action. Coach Hickey used 14 players in the contest.

men_s_basketball/uw-madison_12_20_61.txt · Last modified: 2020/12/07 16:49 (external edit)